A variety of jewelry is often wrongly considered the prerogative of women. However, men are also not averse to adorning themselves with a designer tie pin, chain, bracelet or ring. With the wearing of the first three accessories, everything is more or less clear: a pin is attached to a tie, a chain is put on the neck, a bracelet is put on the hand. And how to wear one ring or signet ring for men, on which finger, on which hand? You will find answers to these questions in our documentation.

On which hand is it correct to wear?

If we are not talking about a wedding ring, but a ring in principle, it can be worn on any hand. There are no strict rules here – only your comfort is important. However, the left hand is considered more comfortable for wearing jewelry because it is not intended for shaking hands, meaning you won't scratch anyone with your ring when shaking hands.

The meaning of rings on different fingers

So, you've bought the accessory you like and now you need to decide which finger to wear it on. Do not rush to choose – first find out how a man's wearing a ring on one or another finger is interpreted.


Initially, wearing a ring on the thumb of the left hand served a purely practical function. This is what archer hunters did, putting a special leather accessory on their finger to protect the skin from scratches and to better slide the arrow when pulling the bowstring. That is why today the association with a hunter, a warrior, a conqueror has been preserved – that is, a powerful, harsh, uncompromising, even aggressive man to a certain extent.

The hand the ring is worn on also matters.

  1. If the thumb of the left hand is adorned with a ring, it is an experienced idol. Sensual, gallant, loving and… fickle. He knows how to attract a woman's attention and loves to "collect trophies."
  2. The ring on the thumb of the right hand is worn to stand out from the crowd, to shock others. As a rule, the preference for this location for wearing a ring is given by creative personalities: actors, singers, artists.

And they also like to decorate this finger with a signet ring and criminal authorities.


With it, we point our finger at something, we scold the culprit or we call for silence – in any case, the index finger is the most used, the most “active”. Not surprising that it was he who was formerly decorated with symbolic rings: signs of belonging to a brotherhood, an order, a family or a profession.

A man wearing a ring on his index finger has an iron will, he is a leader by nature, knows how to present himself correctly. The hand chosen also counts:

  • businessmen, prudent and wise, put on the left ring;
  • the one on the right is decorated with snobs, egoists, “star” people.

Amulets, such as a ring with the prayer "Save and save", are worn on the index finger of the right hand. By the way, such jewelry should be made of silver, and not any other metal.


An “indecent” finger does not carry a special semantic load, but most often it is chosen by successful and self-confident menwho are not afraid to openly express their opinions and “swim against the tide”.

Also on the middle finger wear heirlooms – precious rings passed down from generation to generation from father to son.


This finger is designed to wear just one ring – an engagement ring. Men who adhere to the canons of Orthodoxy choose the right hand for this, adherents of Catholicism – the left. No other jewelry may be worn on this finger.

The exception is signet rings decorated with engravings.

Little finger

The “little” finger is rarely chosen to wear rings. And this is not surprising, because homosexuals often signal their unconventional orientation in this way. However, when you see an accessory on a man's little finger, do not rush to conclusions. Perhaps this is just a creative person who wants to emphasize his originality by putting a ring on the most “unpopular” finger.

The chosen hand also plays an important role.

  1. Left little finger most often decorated with complex and multifaceted personalities, having a difficult character and particular beliefs. The ring on this finger can characterize its owner as a windy and flighty party animal who does not want to enter into a serious relationship, or as a representative of a non-traditional sexual orientation.
  2. Right little finger “Ring” men who like to lead, leaders by nature, alpha males, adventurers.

Traditions of different countries

Typically, the rigid rules for wearing men's rings only apply to wedding and engagement accessories. An ordinary ring made of gold, silver, platinum or non-precious metals can be put on that finger and hand where it “takes root”, that is, at the request of the owner and to express a certain message.

So, on which hand is it customary to wear wedding rings in different countries? Let's try to understand. Eastern men – followers of Islam – can choose the ring finger of any hand, there are no strict instructions here. The requirements only apply to the material used to make the accessory – under no circumstances must it be gold.

Followers of Catholicism traditionally decorate the ring finger of the left hand with a wedding ring. This rule is followed in the following countries:

  • Canada;
  • Brazil;
  • Mexico;
  • Spain;
  • India;
  • England;
  • Portugal.

In China the husband puts a wedding ring on his left hand, but the wife adorns the ring finger of her right hand with this accessory. In Russia and Ukraine adhere to the tradition of wearing wedding rings on the right hand.

Engagement accessories in India, Spain and some Latin American countries put on the right ring finger. If the marriage ended in divorce or the death of one spouse, the wedding ring should be moved to the opposite hand.

In France There is an interesting tradition of wearing a special signet ring. This accessory symbolizes belonging to the gender. Its front side (“platform”) is decorated with an engraving, the upper part of which must be directed towards the nails. The main representative of the clan wears this ring on the ring finger on the left, the rest of the men belonging to the clan wear it on the ring finger or little finger on the right.

How many rings can a man wear?

Probably everyone who watched films on historical topics paid attention to how many rings the nobility wore. What’s there – every finger could be “ringed” with a ring with a gemstone or engraving! Of course, no one does that anymore.

It is allowed to wear one, maximum two rings on different hands.

There are other rules for wearing men's rings.

  • Representatives of creative professions (musicians, artists, designers, theater and cinema actors) or informal groups (metalheads, punks, bikers) can afford to wear more than two rings at a time. If you don't belong to any of these categories, it's better to stick to the concept of minimalism.
  • Before purchasing a ring, decide on which hand and finger you will wear it. Above we explained what semantic load an accessory worn on a particular finger carries. Therefore, in order not to get into trouble, think about what message you want to convey to others with the help of a ring. And then go to the jewelry store.
  • The combination of colors and adherence to a single style of image are very important. A gold ring with a ruby ​​will look at least strange on a biker in a leather jacket with silver metal studs. A ring with a skull will not be in harmony with a strict classic suit. When combining metals of different colors, be careful: the times when wearing silver with gold were considered bad manners are over, but when drawing up such a tandem you need to do be careful not to fall into bad taste.
  • When choosing a ring size, be guided by the following recommendations: The thinner your fingers are, the smaller the ring should be. Massive, eye-catching jewelry is suitable only for large male hands.
  • If you like signet rings, try wearing them on either your little finger or your ring finger. – as it was accepted earlier, when they still fulfilled the function of printing.
  • Married men wearing a wedding ring must respect the following rule: do not wear other rings on the same hand. On the other hand – you can, but not more than one. And it is desirable that it is designed in the same style as the “engagement ring”, or at least made of the same metal.
  • If you want to buy a ring with a stone, you can focus on the minerals recommended for you by the sign of the zodiac. If reading horoscopes is foreign to you, choose one of the following stones: diamond, onyx, amethyst, blue topaz, alexandrite, carnelian.

It is these minerals that are more suitable than others for representatives of the strong half of humanity.

  • Designer rings with unusual shapes attract attention to men's hands. Such an accessory can become a “talker”, signaling to people around that its owner is an extraordinary person. It can be completed with other jewelry from the brand's collection: a bracelet, cufflinks, a tie pin. A designer ring will not tolerate "competition", so only it should adorn a man's fingers. It is undesirable to combine it even with “commitment”.

When trying on a ring in a jewelry store, try to do it three times: morning, noon and evening. The fact is that during the day our fingers swell and change thickness, so a ring purchased in the morning can begin to “crunch” in the evening. Conversely, an accessory purchased at the end of the day will “fly” the next morning.